Heartland Rural Health Network, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit entity that, in partnership with network members and community partners, increases access to health care, social services, and other critical needs to meet the needs of our clients through creative solutions. To learn more about our current programs, click Network Initiatives above.
HRHN's 2024 Quarter 4 Newsletter
Board Meeting Notice
Heartland Rural Health Network's next Board Meetings have been scheduled for 2025 Calendar Year.
* January 31, 2025 at 9:30 AM
If you would like to attend or have something you would like addressed at this meeting,
please email [email protected] to attain the meeting link.
In 1993, the State of Florida passed enabling legislation authorizing the creation of rural health networks. HRHN is a 501 (C)(3) not-for- profit entity that was incorporated in that same year, and in July 1995, became the first rural health network in Florida to be certified by the State of Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration. It forms one of the nine rural health networks in the State and covers an area of 4,780 square miles. Our governing body is Board of Directors representing rural and urban hospitals, county health departments, local governments, consumers, Emergency Medical Services, Area Health Education Center, and Community Health Centers. HRHN serves a five county area including Highlands, DeSoto, Hardee, and the rural portions of Charlotte, and Polk Counties.
Our Mission
To improve access to quality health care by implementing creative solutions in collaboration with network members and community partners.
Our Vision
To be a leader of innovative, collaborative, and quality-driven rural health initiatives.
Our Purpose
To facilitate a continuum of care for all served by the network; to improve access to high quality health care and services; to monitor that quality care is efficiently delivered to persons in our rural areas; to assist in reducing outmigration and increase the utilization of rural hospitals and other rural health care providers; to monitor the availability of a wide array of services either directly, by contract, or through referral agreements; to support the economy and protect the health and safety of rural residents; and to serve as a sounding board/focal group to determine the best way of organizing rural health services.
Our Mission
To improve access to quality health care by implementing creative solutions in collaboration with network members and community partners.
Our Vision
To be a leader of innovative, collaborative, and quality-driven rural health initiatives.
Our Purpose
To facilitate a continuum of care for all served by the network; to improve access to high quality health care and services; to monitor that quality care is efficiently delivered to persons in our rural areas; to assist in reducing outmigration and increase the utilization of rural hospitals and other rural health care providers; to monitor the availability of a wide array of services either directly, by contract, or through referral agreements; to support the economy and protect the health and safety of rural residents; and to serve as a sounding board/focal group to determine the best way of organizing rural health services.
Our Core ValuesIntegrity
We encourage the free exchange of ideas in an environment that embraces honesty, fairness, personal responsibility, and ethical leadership. Ethics We respect honesty, fairness, equality, dignity and individual rights and demonstrate this through both our actions and words. Collaboration We continually seek opportunities to work in partnership with other organizations and share resources to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our community. Quality We strive to provide the highest quality products and services that meet the diverse needs of our community. Innovation We constantly seek to provide innovative and flexible solutions. |
Our Service AreaHardee, Highlands, DeSoto, and rural portions of Polk and Charlotte Counties, FL.
What Is Rural In Florida?According to Florida Statute, Section 288.0656, the definition of rural means a county with a population of 75,000 or less and a county with a population of 125,000 or less which is contiguous to a county with a population of 75,000 or less.
32 of Florida's 67 counties are considered rural based on this definition. These 32 counties cover just over 47% of Florida's nearly 54,000 square miles of land. Rural counties are primarily located in the Florida Panhandle, north central Florida, the south central portion of the state, and the Florida Keys. Approximately 11.1% of Florida's over 21 million citizens live in rural counties. Portions of other Florida counties also contain large, rural pockets. |